Biscuit Shop in Kajang

More than fifty huge glass jars with red lids, and metal tins neatly arranged on metal shelves, from low to high, layer by layer, containing a wide variety of traditional biscuits and snacks, in a dazzling array of nearly a hundred flavours. Kwong Sang Woh, located in Kajang’s old town, has been in business since 1907, staying in the same address for over a century, retaining the brick arcade architecture. 87-year-old Siew Pak Chong is the second generation owner, still quick-witted and alert despite his old age. He is a fixture at the shop counter, where he collects payments or chit-chat with his friends. 

Originally a grocery store, Kwong Sang Woh mainly sells daily supplies, and also a few biscuits. Since his son Siew Zi Kin (transliteration) and daughter-in-law Tan Bee Kien took over the reins, the shop gradually underwent a series of changes to specialize in selling traditional biscuits, their means of surviving business hardships faced by traditional grocery stores. Their customer base has also expanded outside ethnic Chinese to include other races such as Malays and Indians, and they are always busy. 

The golden era of grocery stores dated back in the 1950’s and 60’s, where you could find one almost everywhere, be it hustling streets or remote villages. Besides providing day-to-day goods, grocery stores also function as a uniting spot for the community to exchange information and build relationships.

With the rapid economic growth and changes in the consumer market, dawns the elimination of traditional grocery stores. Chain hypermarkets, supermarkets, and mini marts spring up in residential neighbourhoods like mushrooms after the rain, dealing a heavy blow to traditional grocery stores. How would traditional grocery stores stand against pressure from the market segment, internet, monopolization, and operation difficulties, would be a topic worth exploring.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Aardvark Sunrise from Felt Music


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