Songkok Making

Click-clack… Both legs on the stepping board, pulling the vintage sewing machine of 60 years, resonating a melodic rhythm, needle and thread pass through fabric at lightning speed, stitching accurately. In the narrow workshop cum retail store, 71-year-old Mr Haja Mohideen focuses his sight on the fabric and thread in his hands, utilising his savvy tailoring skills in producing songkoks. He is also the last old craftsman producing handmade songkoks. 

Mr Haja’s shop (Kedai Songkok Osm Mohd Shariff) is located near Penang’s Little India, behind the shop stands an Indian Muslim mosque built in the 19th century with alternating white and green coloured outer walls —— Nagore Dargha Sheriff. The small shop was established in 1936 by Mr Haja’s father who migrated from India, never once shifting its address. Back then, there were six to seven shops producing handmade songkoks in Georgetown, however as times change, eventually the old craftsmen retire without any heir to succeed this drudging yet less profitable trade. At present, the songkoks sold in today’s markets are mass produced by factories, at a lower price, dealing a severe blow to traditional handmade songkok shops. 

Mr Haja, who has been helping his father to sew songkoks since a young age, inherited the shop when he was 25 years old due to his father’s death. Four decades passed in the blink of an eye, now he is making good business, especially before Hari Raya Aidilfitri. His customers come from all age groups, some young customers followed in their elder generation’s footsteps, purchasing handmade songkok from Mr Haja’s family. 

It comes as a comfort to the ageing Mr Haja that his skills are inherited by his son-in-law, continuing the legacy of his family trade. Inscribed within the narrow space are the life tracks of three generations.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Evon Pang
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Francolin from Felt Music


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