Aw Pottery

Driving along Federal Route 1, the oldest highway in Peninsular Malaysia, while passing by Machap, an eye-catching colourful castle-like building stands at the roadside. Both its interior and exterior are ornamented with vibrant ceramic pieces arranged in floral designs, a gorgeous restroom offering convenience to travellers passing by on their long journeys. Established 70 years ago, Aw Pottery Studio occupies about an acre, ceramic products are sighted everywhere, in the garden, restroom, workshop, till the showroom, the entire site is full of artsy feel.

Mr Albert Aw is one of Aw Pottery Studio’s current proprietors, his father the late Mr Aw Eng Kwang being the founder. Born in a family of potters, the late Mr Aw mastered the family trade as well as the architecture of wood-fired kilns from a young age. As he migrated southwards from TeoChew to Malaya during World War II in search of a living wage, he chose to settle down in Machap which has rich clay soil. Utilizing the abundant natural resources and his own skills, he built a pottery kingdom alongside the spectacular restroom with brightly-hued ceramics.

The range of colours projected on ceramic pieces are not from the clay itself, but a vitreous substance applied on the surface of unburnt earthenware. The glaze is made up of various minerals mixed together at a certain ratio, and then brushed onto the semi-completed ceramic ware. After the kiln firing process, the glaze will be fused onto the ceramic. Glazing is crucial in adding colour as well as increasing density in order for the ceramic to be more durable and attractive. On the other hand, unglazed ceramics such as flowerpots are porous, allowing water and air movement through the sides of the pot. Initially, the glaze was made from wood or rice bran ashes, nowadays powdered feldspar, limestone or granite are used with the addition of chemicals to lower their melting point. The mixture of different minerals result in different colours after chemical reactions during kiln firing.

In coincidence with the rubber industry spurt in Peninsular Malaya back in 1949-50, Aw Pottery Studio started out manufacturing ceramic latex cups. Ever since, the pottery studio developed into supplying multi-coloured ceramic ware to restaurants and hotels. At its prime between 1960-70, Aw Pottery Studio employed up to 200 employees, working together in an orderly manner. Having the upper hand, the late Mr Aw exported ceramic ware overseas, at the same time gradually shifting the main production line into China due to considerations in environment and other factors. Furthermore, the entire family emigrated to the United States in the 80’s.

Apart from his commitment in advancing the pottery industry, the late Mr Aw was also a talented sculptor, having joined and organized exhibitions in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. His artworks are being exhibited in museums, among them his masterpiece, the bust of Tunku Abdul Rahman. In remembrance of the late Mr Aw, his daughter Miss Aw Lee Lang set up a museum in the studio grounds to showcase his remaining sculpture works, including a replica of his masterpiece.

At present the Machap studio is still in operation, however business is not as good as before, and even facing staff shortage, only a handful of senior staff remain on duty. A few years ago, Mr Albert’s youngest sister Miss Aw Lee Lang returned to Malaysia to restore and rebrand Aw Pottery Studio, promoting ceramic works as well as offering opportunities for the general public to experience hands-on pottery lessons where they may bring their handicraft home.

From utensils to artworks, Aw Pottery Studio’s journey of transformation depicts the innovative spirit across two generations in their pursuit of living culture and beauty. Through making pottery, one may slow down their hectic lifestyle to relax, finding pleasure in creating pretty and functional ceramic ware using their own hands. Succeeding their late father’s passion in pottery, the second generation of the Aw family revived Aw Pottery Studio to restore its former glory.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Drone : Daniel Lim
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Angels Dream


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