Hainanese Rice Dumplings “Lap”

Hainanese rice dumplings, or “Lap” in the Hainanese dialect, is not only a local speciality delicacy, it also symbolizes affection and good fortune. Embedded within is the appreciation concept from the depth of Chinese culture. Enjoying “Lap” in good times entwines fortune, while having “Lap” during bad times extricates bad luck. Gifting “Lap” in good times relay wishes and great expectations, while a gift of “Lap” received during bad times disclose comfort, and increase confidence to overcome difficulties.

“Lap” is made by weaving coconut leaves into a fist-sized, pillow-shaped shell. Back in the era of wars, the filling is solely made of glutinous rice, recent changes brought upon the addition of ingredients such as meat, Chinese marinated sausages, mushroom etc. After sealing the “Lap” shell, it is best to put into a pot of clear water and boil until fully cooked. Bulging pieces of savoury, coconut-scented “Lap” are ready to be served.

When devouring “Lap”, the coconut leaves must be slowly peeled off, layer by layer, signifying having loose cash on hand, disentangle and relieve from worries, thoroughly eliminate unpleasantness.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Music : A Day To Remember from Bensound.com


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