Traditional Photo Studio

A photograph may be thin and fragile, yet it involves a strong and solid process consisting of genuine dedication. Entering a traditional photo studio, the entire family dress neatly for their family portrait. Let the family relationship be framed by lights and shadows, and let life moments be captured by the camera. Compared with the convenience of digital technology, stepping into a photography studio feels more formal. Dressing up for the shooting, minutely adjusting facial expressions and angles, just for a satisfying photograph to commemorate the moment.

Before technology and digital products became widespread, photography is commonly viewed as a luxury. People would look forward to have their photos taken at a photography studio on special occasions such as marriage, as it was a grand affair. The photo studio and the photographer shoulder the responsibility of testifying memorable moments. In the past, traditional photography studios are set up in high density downtown areas. Besides generating a steady income, the studios also convenience ancestors of the Chinese community who worked overseas, as they could have their photos taken, and sent together with their hard-earned money back to their hometown.

Port Dickson is home to the only seaport in Negeri Sembilan. During the British colonisation, a railroad connecting with Seremban was built, linking to the railways of Peninsular Malaysia. The integrated transport system brought on the economic development of Port Dickson, transforming the small seaside town into a commercial hub for transportation, businesses, fisheries, and all sorts of fuel manufacturing plants. Tucked in the old streets of Port Dickson, Beautiful Star Studio is eyewitness to the transition and historical track of the town.

Registered in 1936, Beautiful Star Studio is among the earliest established photo studios in Port Dickson, and is one of the minority traditional photo studios that is still in operation. The current owner, Mr Loh Lian Peh, aged 62, is the third generation owner of the photography studio, and also the photographer. Following in his father and brother’s footsteps at the age of 18, he is involved in many fields of photography, undertaking the role of professional photographer for various energy factories for events, celebration, and site construction launches. Mr Loh and his elder brother, Loh Lian Wah (transliteration) have been assigned as photographer for a few major fuel manufacturing plants, working together as trusted partners for decades.

Various photographs are arranged neatly on the walls surrounding the studio, for instance family photos from all races, individual and celebrities’ portraits, as well as fuel manufacturing plants. One of the walls is dedicated to extremely valuable photos of Port Dickson’s old streets and fishing port from past times. The third generation of the family business falls on Mr Loh’s shoulders, crossing over three eras of photography advancement. From black and white to full colour photos, then digitalisation; from developing films in a dark room, to instant printing, then digital conversion. The Loh family went through the blossoming and declining of the traditional photo studio and photo printing industries. In today’s fast-changing world, only printed photos are of a substantial existence, holding on to past times.

The 31st of August this year marks Malaysia’s independence day, as well as Beautiful Star Studio’s last day of operations. Coincidentally, Mr Loh was born in the year 1957.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Evon Pang
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Wedding Day from Youtube


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