Moisturising Powder

A plethora of milky white granules in the shape of a teardrop, put a few into the palms, dip some water, and spread it on the face or skin for a cool and refreshing effect. This is what older generations have been using to battle the scorching sun and its heat, also acting as sunblock. Besides, this is the traditional skincare product of grandmothers and grandaunts, having the functions of oil cleansing, getting rid of acne, reduce swelling and stop itchiness. This is the most natural form of skincare products, simply made from rice and water. This handicraft is rarely seen now, and there are only a few who mastered it. This is moisturising powder.

Back in the days when skincare products and makeup were not popular, almost every family uses moisturising powder, or even make it themselves, as the ingredients are simple, and have no side effects, suitable for all ages. As times change, there are a wide variety of skincare products on the market, therefore the time-consuming and laborious craft of moisturising powder fell out of favour, especially the stringent smell during the crushed rice fermentation process, which drives people away for miles.

Located at a riverside village in Balik Pulau, Penang, in Kampung Jalan Baru, stands the only remaining traditional handmade moisturising powder manufacturer, Lean Seng Cooling Powder, also known as Wei’s. Yeoh Siong Huat, the second generation owner of the manufacturing site, took over the business that his dad Yeoh Keng Beng started. The senior Mr Yeoh worked humbly for the whole of his life, picking up multiple trades and experienced in various fields. He started manufacturing moisturising powder part-time when he was 31 years old and established the moisturising powder factory, which was about 40 years ago. Over the years, Mr Yeoh senior worked tirelessly with the two ingredients (rice and water), as well as dealing with the weather, and was content with his work. He gained precious experience in estimating the consistency and quality of the rice liquid, moreover he designed a new machine to ease the process of having to press the powder granules one by one using a conical bag.

Although the procedures of making moisturising powder are time-consuming and laborious, having to bear the odour from the fermentation process, and also need to keep an eye on the weather changes, but moisturising powder gradually gained recognition and popularity under Mr Yeoh senior’s perseverance. His wife and him seldom travel, their three children helped to supply the moisturising powders outstation to wholesalers. They also welcome visitors and students to take a tour if the manufacturing site. The general public play an important role in spreading word-of-mouth for traditional crafts to gain more acknowledgement and support, just like the powers of a fountain, pushing the cultural tradition further.

The second generation owner, Mr Yeoh Siong Huat, quitted his job as a goldsmith in 2016, and went back to his hometown to assist his father in the moisturising powder business, in order that the craft continues its legacy, repaying his father’s lifelong efforts to promote the business. For traditional skills and crafts to flourish, willpower and dedication are two key factors that could never be missed. In that same year, the senior Mr Yeoh passed away.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Touching Moment


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