Jingling Candy in Seremban

Jingle, jingle, jingle… this thrilling clank has not paused over 60 years. An old-fashioned bicycle, a wooden sunshade, a hammer in one hand and an awl in the other, crushing the big tray of stiff candy made from maltose and sugar into small pieces. These small pieces are a traditional handmade snack sold by Mr Tey Kim Wah (transliteration) for the sixty years: Jingling Candy, also known as Royal Consort Candy.

Apart from retaining the traditional selling method, 82-year-old Mr Tey still patiently produces jingling candy on his own, behind his house in his singlet and a towel wrapped around his shoulders. Firstly, cook the maltose and sugar for two to three hours, then cool down the syrup using large amounts of cold water while constantly stirring it. Subsequently is the tedious sugar pulling process, pulling the hot and heavy sugar until it turns milky white. Mr Tey’s great skill is much admired.

Mr Tey is an enthusiastic advocate for education, he is often seen at various school fundraising events. His son Kravin Tey takes over this business, going on to sell jingling candy the traditional way all over Peninsular Malaysia, continuously rendering the thrilling clank.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Evon Pang
Music : After All That You Said from Felt Music


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