Wah Sang Brothers Watch & Clock Shop

Upon walking into the backstreet of Klang railway station, the pre-war shophouses standing on both sides of the street have been in existence for almost a hundred years. This area has once been the most bustling area in Klang. The distinctive characteristic of these shophouses located in the old street is that businesses are operated downstairs, meanwhile setting up living quarters upstairs. As times change, even though business is not as flourishing as it used to be, a few traditional trades stand fast to date, among them Wah Sang Brothers watch and clock shop.

Having been in operation for almost ninety years, Wah Sang Brothers watch and clock shop was founded from scratch by the father of Mr Lee Lai Choy who migrated southwards from China to Malaysia. The main business of the shop is repair of clocks and watches, supplemented by sales. After their father passed away, the Lee brothers took over the business, Mr Lee who was only seventeen years old then followed in his elder brother’s footsteps learning how to repair clocks and watches. In a blink of an eye, currently 87-year-old Mr Lee witnessed the rise and downfall of this traditional trade, yet he feels optimistic about the future of the watch and clock repairing trade. In Mr Lee’s opinion, although fewer watch and clock repairing tradesmen remain, there are still many who walked in to ask for repairs, especially some timepieces with sentimental and historical value, or even expensive timepieces, the shop accidentally benefitting from being one of the less popular tradesmen.

Due to declining health and sight in his advancing age, Mr Lee has retired, currently his nephew Robert Lee takes over as the third generation successor. Out of the three working tables in the shop, now there is only one with its lamp alit.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Music : Star Gazing from Felt Music


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