People’s Perspectives on Covid-19 and MCO

“I’m grateful for the continual support, otherwise my 40-year family legacy will end.”

Before successfully halting the spread of Covid-19 infections, Malaysia’s Movement Control Order (MCO) is continually being extended, albeit at different levels. It is unlikely the MCO will be fully lifted anytime soon, having a negative socioeconomic impact on the population. Over the past year, people struggled to make a living. Being involved in traditional trades, our 10 interviewees are disproportionately affected by the pandemic.

Be it decades-old family trades or entrepreneurship, our dear uncles and aunties formed strong social connections within their community. Some of them set up shop on the main street of their respective towns, their regular customers being familiar faces; some of them became time-honoured shops, attracting both local and foreign tourists. During MCO, formerly bustling streets emptied, footfall and traffic decreased. As restrictions eased, reopened businesses suffered huge decline in revenue; those still under extended temporary closure had no income at all.

The previously implemented vehicle passenger limit and interdistrict travel ban, alongside with roadblocks on major roads and highways, causing local residents to spend extra resources and time in commuting to work. Though effective in containing virus transmission across regions, the current interstate travel ban exerts substantial harm to various livelihoods of the populace. The lack of outstation tourists weakened economic activities of attraction towns, particularly local specialty foods and traditional handcrafts. In conjunction with festivals, those who work or study in other regions could not return to their hometown for family gatherings. Senior citizens who still dwell in rural places could only express their longing for family through phone calls.

The prevalence of smartphone use, as well as social media networks, has changed the way of human interaction and businesses. Products could be sold online without the necessity of a physical store. However, technological advancement has its shortcomings. There are a number of people who are technologically illiterate, online commerce is beyond their capabilities. Struggling to meet the dispatch time set by online selling platforms, and worrying about potential customers making enquiries in foreign languages, are challenges faced by one-person businesses. Moreover, most of the elderly are in semi-retirement, only working to pass time. They intend to work as long as they could, without expecting to make great profit.

Each community has a shared future, only by mutual help and care can we get rid of the dilemma caused by the pandemic. Dear uncles and aunties face setbacks with optimism, steadily march ahead while keeping hopes alive for a better tomorrow.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang / Michael Lerk
Drone : Daniel Lim
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Copywriter : Pua Hui Wen
Music : 《Emotional Epic Movie 2》 / 《Simple Inspiring Piano》 / 《Piano》


Well-being amid the Covid-19 Pandemic

“Since the implementation of MCO a year ago, times were somewhat hard. The most crucial thing now is being able to earn a living, and stay healthy.”

One year ago, the government declared a nationwide Movement Control Order (MCO) to curb the Covid-19 pandemic. Consequently, it aroused anxiety among common folks, as their daily toil either face strict restraints or temporary closure. Over the past year, the government tighten or loosen restrictions according to the rising or flattening of the infection curve. As the epidemic situations vary across all states, some people headed back to work under the new normal, while others are yet to resume their work.

10 interviewees, hailing from northern, central, and southern regions, each facing different challenges which we compiled into three short films. They work in different sectors, namely services, light manufacturing, and eateries, all being traditional trades severely affected by the pandemic. For instance, the ferry service between Negeri Sembilan and Selangor was suspended due to interstate travel ban, the ferryman felt helpless; others such as moisturising powder manufacturing, wooden clogs making, shoes repairing service, and eateries have a choice whether to operate or not, depending on the current regulations; whereas pineapple plantation, considered as basic needs, was least affected and operations were as usual.

This time around, even though lacking the warmth of face-to-face communication, they are still keen on sharing. We reunite with dear uncles and aunties via video chat, and listen to their past year’s journey, of which they had a lot on their minds. Their routine of life being disrupted, boredom at home proved to be tough. Even after resuming business in compliance with standard operating procedures (SOP), the reduced crowd caused a drastic drop in business volume.

The Covid-19 virus poses an invisible threat to public health, especially the elderly and people with weak immune system are at higher risk. Our dear uncles and aunties are aware that good personal hygiene habit is innegligible, hence taking actions to prevent the spread of the virus: wear face masks, wash hands regularly, practice social distancing. It is important to fulfill civic responsibility, for the sakes of families and neighbourhoods, although adapting to the new normal SOP is troublesome, they try to minimise outings and gatherings.

Social distancing may limit human interactions, however solicitude is always present. The transition from face-to-face communication to video chat may sometimes be interrupted by technical problems such as network connection error, lagging image, phone battery low etc., adding a fun touch to their adjustment to a different communication style. Getting in touch with them again after a long period of separation, enquiring about each other’s well-being, reminiscing fond memories, and enjoying tender affections.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang / Michael Lerk
Drone : Daniel Lim
Video Editor : Michael Lerk
Copywriter : Pua Hui Wen
Music : 《Sentimental》 / 《Romantic Wedding》 / 《Emotional Cinematic Trailer》


Brailler Repair Technician

There are six keys on a metal-clad Braille typewriter (Brailler), each corresponding to a Braille dot. When keys are pressed, the stylus within the embossing head makes neat indentations on the paper. Braille is formatted in two parallel vertical lines of three dots each, roughly the size of human fingertips. Different dot combinations represent each alphabet and number, as well as equivalents for music, mathematical, and scientific symbols. This internationally used tactile text format is developed by French educator —— Louis Braille, and gained international recognition in mid-19th century.

In the workshop, Mr Raj Kumar s/o Subramaniam is engaged in repairing 20 Braillers from a special school for the blind in Johor. As the second-generation Brailler technician, he took over duties previously carried out by his father, Mr Subramaniam a/l Sengamalai, at the very same workshop, and even the same workbench, located in Malaysian Association of the Blind (MAB) complex. This is the only place throughout Malaysia which offers Brailler repairs, as well as providing training in repairs.

MAB is a nonprofit organization founded in 1951. Its quarters are located in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur. Also known as “Little India”, Brickfields houses the largest vision-impaired community in Malaysia, with thousands currently residing in the area. Therefore tactile paving sidewalks and acoustic traffic signals are among the accessible facilities on civic streets. MAB is the first-established blind associations among several in Brickfields. Over the past seven decades, it provides the blind with education programmes, vocational training, and career opportunities in order for them to be self-sufficient.

There are three visual classifications recognized internationally: B1 (total blindness), B2 (partial vision of shadows and movement), and B3 (severe low vision/tunnel vision). With the aid of magnifiers or telescopic devices, those with B3 are able to read and study just like normal people. However those with B1 and B2 rely on Braille to read and write using the sense of touch. The Perkins Brailler® is popular and commonly used worldwide. Invented in the 1950s by the Perkins school for the blind in the United States, it is a typewriting instrument with precise design, portability, and durability.

In the 1960s, MAB received authorization from Perkins for Brailler sales and repairs. Back then, Mr Maniam, who initially joined MAB as printer and binder, had the opportunity to attend a month-long repair training workshop conducted by Perkins personnel, and obtained a good Brailler technician qualification. Throughout the past 50 years, he diligently handled nationwide Brailler maintenance and repair works, amounting to over 10,000 machines. On the other hand, Mr Maniam was invited to conduct Braille repairing workshop both locally and internationally, having been to Pakistan, Bangkok, and Bangladesh.

The main layout of a Brailler are paper levers, paper rollers, a carriage which moves the embossing head, and nine keys which stand for six Braille dots, spacebar, line spacing, and backspace. There are several tiny components within the Brailler, which may be damaged by improper usage or a fall. The most common problems are wear and tear, minor incidents such as broken springs will require replacement; major incidents such as a cracked roller will require the Brailler to be dismantled in order to identify the problem and perform repairs. General maintenance help to keep the Brailler clean and prevent difficulties, just by taking out the cover, brush away dust and cobwebs, and then lubricate.

Upon Mr Maniam’s retirement eight years ago, Mr Raj decided to succeed him. Mr Raj often followed his father to work, and sparked an interest in mechanical repairs. He took over after having attended a two-week workshop organized by Perkins. Mr Raj enjoys overcoming the challenges encountered in Brailler repairs. Occasionally he helps to repair guiding sticks in his spare time. Besides that, he operates a thermoform machine to make tactile graphics for blind textbooks.

Both Mr Maniam and Mr Raj take pride in servicing the blind community, and the blinds are familiar with the corner workshop on the second floor of MAB complex. Braille opened the doors of knowledge to all those who cannot see. Even though advanced technology may offer convenience for the vision-impaired, Braille could not be replaced as the main channel of communication. The click-clack sound of Braillers will still resound in MAB.

Malaysian Association for the Blind
03-2272 2677

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Evon Pang
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : 《Simple Melody Piano》


Suriaku Children’s Protection Society – Lisa Hew

“I do not mind having to forego or give up anything, I just want the best for the children. That is the only thing I can do for them.”

Hundreds of colourful photographs lined the entire staircase, from the ground floor towards the first floor, exhibiting precious moments Lisa spent with her children over the past two decades. Now in her forties, Lisa has fostered and legally adopted 20 children, bringing them up alongside three of her own. She shouldered the huge responsibility of accompanying and supervising them, providing them with a beloved home and legal identity. 

Cheerful and outgoing Lisa gets along favourably with people of all ages, always regarded as a sister. Being born into a poor family, Lisa is more mature than her peers. Her father passed away when she was 13 years old, then she earned a living by tutoring kids in her neighbourhood. After graduating from high school, she worked while completing secretarial training. However, the dull work did not suit her lively personality, therefore she went to teach kindergarten, and obtained a childcare centre license through furthering her studies. In 2000, together with her 6-month-old son, Lisa rented a house to start her first childcare centre.

Apart from enterprise operations, Lisa is active in charity work. She volunteers for a number of charity homes, as well as the Social Welfare Department, where she assists children and the elderly in applications for aid. Lisa is also proactive in charity bazaars, managing and arranging donated materials for the needy, not to mention casket donation. Mocking herself as inquisitive and hyperactive, whenever Lisa comes across begging elderly or abandoned babies, she brings them to the police station to lodge reports. Then she brings them to the hospital for a health check, and gets the Social Welfare Department to make necessary follow-up arrangements. She firmly believes and hopes that children will grow up in a loving environment, with good upbringing and education, to be their own masters.

The first incidence of Lisa’s adopted children was 20 years ago, involving an in-home daycare child among others in her childcare centre, whose parents vanished months after entrusting their 1-month-old baby to the centre. Lisa lodged a police report, and decided to continue taking care of the child after lack of follow-up. She thought: since I run a childcare centre, it is only another mouth to feed, no big deal. She ended up legally adopting the child.

As children are continually being abandoned at her doorstep, some suffered domestic abuse while others have parents who could not provide for them, Lisa took them in with open arms. Gradually realizing that cruel reality results in such social issues, she opened a bank account dedicated to charity works, depositing her earnings and donations from her friends to help vulnerable children and elderly. She also helps stateless people and penniless families, so that they have means of surviving.

After toiling for 20 years, and most of her kids being grown up, Lisa decided to close all three of her childcare centres towards the end of 2019, retaining the site in Serdang as a warehouse to store donated materials pending transfer to wherever needed. Following several months of semi-retirement, with her son’s encouragement, her charity work over the years materialized into the founding of Suriaku Children’s Protection Society in April 2020. The concept being a temporary shelter for the needy in their period of transition, where they reintegrate into society after solving problems which they faced. Suriaku is an asylum, a donated goods hub, the outcome of Lisa’s 20 years of volunteering.

Lisa aspires to expand Suriaku across all Malaysian states, in order to benefit more needful folk. She shared her vision with the Social Welfare Department, hoping to attract more good Samaritans to join in the effort. Apart from that, Lisa intends to undertake law studies, after which she could provide direct assistance to the disadvantaged community, especially female victims of intimidation and domestic violence. Instead of superficial support which dissolved after a while, their concerns could be thoroughly addressed.

Even though no longer having to rush around her childcare centres, her children, and various government offices, Lisa retains her passion towards life and its surroundings. Her kind acts and attentions lessened the burdens of the disadvantaged community. Lisa shines like a blazing flame, lighting the path for the needful, providing them a shelter full of love and warmth.

Suriaku Children’s Protection Society
Persatuan Perlindungan Kanak-Kanak Suriaku Selangor
No. 1633, Jalan SK 11/3,
43300, Seri Kembangan,

Suriaku Children’s Protection Society Facebook:

Lisa Hew Facebook:

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Drone : Daniel Lim
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : 《Romantic Piano》


Southern Bakery

A golden cylinder with circular coil-shaped curves similar to a helical spring, “spring bread” is thus nicknamed. After cutting into ½inch-thick slices, its fluffy white texture is revealed, along with mouthwatering aroma. The mouthfeel of “spring bread” is cotton-soft, delicious just on its own or paired with fillings such as butter and kaya, eggs, ice-cream, or even made into hamburgers.

Located at Jalan Pudu in Kuala Lumpur, Southern Bakery is established for over 60 years, the only long-standing bakery in Pudu area, containing many locals’ unforgettable memories linked to childhood favourite foods. While baking, the bread aroma flows throughout the shop, attracting the attention of passer-bys. Regular customers would linger around the shop in advance, so that they could purchase the bread freshly out of the oven. As “spring bread” is rarely seen nowadays, most customers forgotten about its existence. Some customers come across it by chance and bought a few due to indulging in reminiscence.

The unique appearance of “spring bread” brought upon various nicknames: pillow bread, lantern bread, or bamboo-shaped bread, thanks to the customized cast-iron tins. The tins were purchased during the British colonization era by the founder Mr Han Chok Toon, extremely durable considering their daily usage for decades. The shaped bread dough is inserted into the two-cavity bread tin, then covered and bolted to bake. After that, the tin is unbolted and gently tapped on the workbench to release the bread. The handful of such tins in Southern Bakery are rare and precious, bearing witness to the past while continuing the legacy of “spring bread”.

The current second-generation owner Auntie Han Jee Nee is born into a family of bakers. Her grandfather ran a bakery in Singapore, and her parents used to help in the family business until mid-1950’s, when they moved to Pudu and founded Southern Bakery at Jalan Pasar together with two partners. Apart from “spring bread” made in cast-iron tins, the bakery also offers down-to-earth Hainanese bread, fist-sized plain buns, and French baguette etc. Their widely popular signature coconut bun is filled with freshly desiccated coconut, without any trace of palm sugar, a secret recipe passed on by Auntie Han’s mother.

In the earlier days, due to the bakery’s close proximity to Star cinema, Metropole cinema, and Majestic cinema, when movie showtimes are over, the bakery was crowded by people buying bread for their next day’s breakfast. At its prime during the 1960’s-70’s, there were 12 staff rotating through morning and night shifts to produce freshly made bread, which were not only sold in the bakery, but also through food trucks and hawkers, and supply to hotels and restaurants. In 1993, Auntie Han and her husband Uncle Law Hong Cheng took over the reins from her ageing father, who passed away the following year.

As more chain bakeries entered the scene in Kuala Lumpur, customers are attracted by fancy gimmicks, packaging and designs. Even so, Auntie Han and Uncle Law did not choose to take a radical approach. Instead, they focus on maintaining the quality of their breads, persisting in producing true authentic flavours. Initially the bakery only offers a few types of bread, until the addition of red bean buns, butter buns, chicken floss buns, and peanut buns in recent years due to customer demands. Currently they work on a small scale, only baking once per day, therefore the quantity of bread produced is very limited, especially “spring bread”.

Auntie Han and Uncle Law took scrupulous care of Southern Bakery for decades, although their business model is getting outdated, they remain calm despite the challenges. Business expansion is not easy, requiring experience, labour, and sufficient capital. Taking things easy, they keep their selling prices low and affordable, hence customers in the neighbourhood continually support them. When they relocated from Jalan Pasar to Jalan Pudu in 2015 due to rental issues, regular customers have no trouble tracing their whereabouts.

Nestled in a busy city, fast-paced lifestyle and immense social pressure did not cause negative impact to Southern Bakery. Auntie Han and Uncle Law tranquilly enjoy a slow-paced lifestyle, and keep on producing simple handmade traditional breads. Focus on the good, and stay happy.

Southern Bakery
03-9221 5781
No. 393, Jalan Pudu, 55200 Kuala Lumpur

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Evon Pang
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Atmospheric Inspiring Piano


Hainanese Boiled Duck

In a corner of the light and bright kitchen, red-hot charcoal burning in the cement stove turns into gray ash. A free-range duck, cleaned thoroughly, with its feathers all plucked and entails removed, is trussed and ready to be cooked. As the water in the cast iron wok boils, an hour-long hot bath awaits the duck, after which the Hainanese boiled duck is born.

Pang Yok Sin, one of the school directors of Port Dickson Chung Hua High School, is sweating profusely while cooking, busy controlling the temperature of the charcoal stove and the doneness of the food, with assistance from his wife. After soaking the duck in boiling water, rotating it at intervals while pouring boiling water over its flesh to ensure even heating and doneness, the cooked duck is removed from heat to cool before being cut up and served. The remaining soup stock is the essence of the duck, and can be used to cook fragrance duck rice, blanch vegetables, make essential condiments, or even cook zucchini soup. Uncle Pang and wife conjure up a tableful of authentic Hainanese dishes while demonstrating the virtue of thrift.

The specialty of Hainanese dishes focus on fresh ingredients and their original tastes. The four classic dishes being: WénChāng chicken, JiāJī duck, DōngShān mutton, and HéLè crab; all were named after their cities of origin. Among them, the traditional way of preparing WénChāng chicken and JiāJī duck is by boiling, to preserve the tender meat texture of poultry. During the global mass migration in the 20th century, many Hainanese forefathers settled down in Malaysia, simple Hainanese dishes such as boiled chicken and chicken rice became popular. However, authentic Hainanese boiled duck and duck rice balls are rarely found in local restaurants. Uncle Pang is only able to savour these upon visiting his eldest brother or paying respects to his ancestors in QióngHǎi city.

Boiled duck is easy to cook, the challenge lies in seeking a suitable duck. JiāJī duck, commonly known as “foreign” or mule duck, is a hybrid of muscovy and common duck, and the breed was said to be brought in from Malaysia to JiāJī town in QióngHǎi city some 300 years ago. The features of mule ducks are a stout body and shanks, with white and black feathers which are extra long at the wings and tail. Mule ducks are allowed free range for two months, and then force-fed for a month. Therefore the duck has thin skin and soft bones, its meat high in protein but low in fat, best boiled to showcase the tender texture. The Malaysian government discourages home poultry breeding due to hygiene reasons, yet the duck available in supermarkets are unpalatable, so mule ducks are hard to come by.

With great difficulty to secure a suitable duck, Uncle Pang endeavoured to retain the natural taste of the duck. Firstly, clean the duck of feathers and entrails, rub it over with salt and flour, then blanch it. Prior to boiling, the duck is stuffed with equal portions of ginger, garlic, and shallots mixed with salt. It is then trussed to ease rotating. Controlling the charcoal stove temperature at a simmer requires patience and skills, so that the duck is cooked evenly. The remaining ginger, garlic, and shallots are then stir-fried, drizzled with the rich duck stock, enhancing flavours by adding lime, vinegar, or chilli. Such is the preparation of condiments to complement the dish.

Even though it has been decades since Uncle Pang last cooked this traditional dish, the steps are deeply ingrained in his mind, particularly the charcoal stove brought back fond childhood memories of cooking together with his parents and siblings. The open kitchen doubles as a dining hall where the entire family gather happily. Zucchini is planted in the backyard, easily available to be plucked and cooked into soup whenever the family is having boiled duck, the succulent zucchini is packed with yummy duck aroma.

The simple yet delicious boiled duck and various derivative dishes reflect the strong emotional bonds in Hainanese dishes. The elder generations taste familial attachment, while the younger generations chew upon cultural heritage. Uncle Pang who is of advanced age, not only took pleasure in cooking, but also proactively promotes traditional native cuisine.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : The Romantic


Sewing Machine Repair Smith

At the left of the sewing head on the wooden tabletop, the needle shaft moves up and down in accordance with the pulley wheel and foot pedal. The loop-taker cooperates with the needle to sew or bind fabric using slender thread, leaving a neat row of stitches.

Sewing is a practical life skill even before the invention of sewing machines, as per the poem “thread held by a loving mother, made clothes for her wandering son”. Due to the virtuous practice of frugality, almost all housewives sew or alter clothes for their family. When the sewing machine was first launched, it was a luxurious item only the wealthy could afford. Around the mid-20th century, sewing machines indicated a well-to-do family’s wedding gift or dowry, in combination with bicycle, watch, and radio.

Sewing machines eased the tedious task of sewing by improving efficiency. During Malaysia’s economic boost in the 70s-80s, sewing machines became a household item. However the emergence of fast fashion deemed homemade clothing unstylish, sewing machines became eradicated, being used by only a few families and hobbyists. In the event of malfunctioning, it is difficult to send the sewing machine for repair due to its bulk and weight, hence the demand for on-site repair and service.

A call away, Uncle J.S. Lim departs from Port Dickson in his red minivan to the customer’s site. Carrying a blue toolbox, along with over 40 years of experience in machinery repairs, he proficiently fixes faulty sewing machines. He generally services and adjusts the loop timing, the latter being most crucial. The loop-taker seizes thread from the ascending needle, performing a retrograde movement to ensure stitch formation. Difference by a hair’s breadth may cause the shuttle hook and needle to be out of sync, resulting in skipping stitches, therefore the timing should be precise. From old-fashioned hand crank sewing machines, foot pedalled sewing machines, to modern motorized sewing machines, all restored by Uncle Lim’s skillful hands.

In his teens, Uncle Lim was apprenticed to a shop selling bicycles and sewing machines, learning to repair sewing machines from the shopowner’s daughter who was a tailor. His quick wits enabled him to apply the fundamental principles he mastered to other devices such as chainsaws, lawnmowers, electric generators etc. At 32-33 years old, he set up his own shop, only going into semi-retirement two years ago due to lack of customers. During CMCO this May, Uncle Lim’s daughters suggested him to create a Facebook page offering on-site sewing machine maintenance and repair.

“Uncle Lim Repair Shop” was thus created on Facebook, receiving countless enquiries. Starting from small neighbourhoods within Negeri Sembilan, Uncle Lim carries out on-site repairs, catering to mostly ladies and elderly persons from any racial background. His honest conduct and diligence won praises, his customer base grew. Mrs Lim tags along wherever he goes, chatting with customers while taking videos or photos of the service process and the customers’ satisfaction. These files are then uploaded onto Facebook with touching remarks, attracting more likes and followers.

The Facebook page has created far more job opportunities for Uncle Lim, his services expanded across districts and even across states since RMCO in June. Provided the accumulation of a few malfunctioning sewing machines within the same vicinity is enough to offset his travel expenses, he will proceed to schedule appointments. Uncle Lim and wife both have a happy-go-lucky attitude, treating outstation jobs as domestic travels to destinations such as Bidor, Ipoh, and Kampar. Warm reception from customers relieves them of fatigue, local delicacies delightful to savour. The furthest they went was 400km away to Gerik, where they stayed a few days and repaired over 30 sewing machines.

Besides maintenance and repair services, Uncle Lim promotes the practical usage of sewing machines in daily living, sharing beginner tips and tutorials on his Facebook page. He hopes to encourage more people to use sewing machines, or to regain this skill. Moreover, sewing machines are durable, old-fashioned ones still in use throughout several rural areas. Uncle Lim once serviced a hand crank sewing machine more than 150 years old, a precious family inheritance over three generations.

Though sewing machine repair is a declining industry, the skill is still valuable. Repair smiths like Uncle Lim who are willing to provide on-site services extend the usability of sewing machines, issues faced by perplexed customers resolved, thus escaping the sad fate of being sold as scrap metal. Utilizing modern technology such as social media not only unlocked a new chapter in Uncle Lim’s career, but also the rebirth of sewing machines.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Valentines Day Romantic Piano


Martin Lister Memorial Arch

Situated alongside the main street of Kuala Pilah is a memorial arch since 1901, built in honour of the Honourable Martin Lister. Before the British colonial government intervened into political affairs, Negeri Sembilan was nine separate districts ruled by different tribal leaders, with never-ending internal conflicts. Martin Lister was invited and appointed by Sultan/Yamtuan Seri Menanti to improve and develop the local economy. Due to his success in rebuilding the Negeri Sembilan Confederation and restoring peace through his excellent negotiation and diplomatic skills, he was appointed the first British Resident of Negeri Sembilan from 1889 to 1897.

The memorial arch comprised of both Chinese and Western architecture styles, includingthree-bay, four-pillar LingNan elements; calabash and fireball symbolizing fortune, prosperity, and longevity; and Dragon head Carp fish symbolizing bright prospects. There are also Ancient Roman hemispherical arch and Ancient Grecian entablature. Its front side bore trilingual inscriptions, with an English heading, a political timeline in Jawi on the left, and achievements in Chinese on the right. Praises were inscribed on the reverse side.

The upper stream of Muar river cut across Kuala Pilah, where the Minangkabau landed in the 15th century as pioneers. In late 19th century, the British colonial government encouraged land cultivation and tin mining, thus attracting scores of Chinese forefathers, transforming Kuala Pilah from a backward inland village into a main town of newly-founded Negeri Sembilan.

The Chinese community at Kuala Pilah is made up of 1/3 Hakka, then Cantonese and Hokkien, as well as some Hainanese and TeoChew. Each brought upon their religious faiths, thus Sam Seng Keong Temple was founded in 1898 under the leadership of local entrepreneur Tung Yen. The main deities worshipped are Emperor Guan, Guan Ping, and Zhou Cang; subdeities being Master Tam Gong, Master Xian Shi, and also other native deities. Following Tung Yen’s liaison with the British colonial government, the temple was allocated permanent land reservation status in 1900. Subsequently the site directly opposite the temple was allocated as a Chinese Pleasure Garden, where a memorial arch was constructed to commemorate Martin Lister who died of illness on his return journey to England.

Nowadays Kuala Pilah is hardly flourishing, traffic just passed through the highway. A lack of industrial zones and unrevealed tourism potential caused slow economical development and mass urban migration. The heritage of Martin Lister Memorial Arch gradually became forgotten by the local population, notwithstanding its trusteeship under the Sam Seng Keong temple committee, hosting theatre and puppetry performances during festive celebrations. The Chinese Pleasure Garden used to be a space for co-curricular activity of the Sam Seng Keong private school. However, neglect in maintenance and repairs led to its decrepit appearance, whereby it was often mistook for an ancient tomb.

An advocate in culture and education, Mr GH Tee was born and bred in Kuala Pilah, but works in Kuala Lumpur. On an occasional hometown visit in 2013, he discovered the miserable condition of Martin Lister Memorial Arch and the Chinese Pleasure Garden, therefore he took an initiative to conserve this historical site. The community barely acknowledge or appreciate its historical value, and were only concerned about the financial prospects of this project. For six years, despite lack of response, he persisted in promoting the historical background of the memorial arch and its importance to the local Chinese guilds, businesses, and relevant government authorities.

Mr Tee’s continual efforts were not in vain, a Committee of Restoration and Beautification of Kuala Pilah Chinese Pleasure Garden was founded last year. Talents from various professional fields work together in restoration, research, fundraising, as well as applying for the memorial arch to be listed as a cultural heritage site. The initiatives and publicity over the year has increased public awareness, gaining beneficial support and generous donations. Currently the blueprint is completed by an architect who specialize in historic building restoration, tender notice and partial works will commence in the near future.

There are a multitude of historical sites reflecting ancient features and local specialties within Malaysia, a collective memory of the residing community, a proof of historical trace. Buildings bear testimony to culture heritage, nevertheless some historical sites were unable to sustain through development, hence falling to ruins or even dismantled. In order to pass on such historical and cultural inheritance to future generations, Mr Tee recommends nurturing and educating the public to inspire interest and passion in conserving historical sites. Times and things may change, the virtues of predecessors should not be forgotten.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen
Malay Subtitles: Lim Ai Ling (Cikgu Pi Chung)

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Drone : Daniel Lim
Video Editor : Evon Pang
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Sentimental Peaceful Cinematic Piano


Hokkien Khún Miên/Mī

Long and thin yellow noodles coiled into palm-sized flat discs on a bamboo sieve, is an authentic Hokkien dish——Khún Mī, also known as “Khún Miên” or coiled noodles. It has a springy but not sticky texture, usually best consumed alongside dishes with rich sauces, such as braised pork knuckle, sea cucumber pork stew, or bak kut teh. The way of eating may vary, some like to twist pieces off similar to eating bread, whereas others would cut into small pieces and pick up with chopsticks. Khún Mī is not greasy due to no oil used during its production, pure original noodle flavours can be savoured upon each bite.

Consuming noodles on birthdays imply longevity, therefore in Hokkien food culture, noodles are of great consequence. Noodles are also a must-have in worshipping deities and ancestors. Khún Mī stands out from the rest due to its circular shape symbolizing completeness, as well as its excellent shelf life, since it does not turn sour or spoil easily after being laid out for a few hours in the warm and humid climate of Malaysia. Moreover, dishes paired with Khún Mī bear good significance, for instance pork knuckle means improvement, sea cucumber means endless opportunities, indirectly establishing Khún Mī’s sublimity in the Hokkien society.

Elders who moved abroad in the early days are more familiar with this native dish, popular with homesick migrants. As they settled down in Malaysia, Khún Mī evolved into a common economical food. Eventually the older generation passed away, the younger generations who did not have fond attachments stopped producing the time-consuming and laborious Khún Mī, as they regarded efficiency to keep up with modern lifestyles. Khún Mī became increasingly rare, mostly sought after by Hokkiens for the Jade Emperor’s birthday celebration and Hungry Ghosts festival. Youngsters nowadays may not have heard about Khún Mī, but only yellow noodles which are almost identical.

In Kuala Pilah located in the mid-section of Negeri Sembilan, the sole remaining family-run noodles workshop lies behind the slope of the hawker centre, specializing in producing and supplying traditional Hokkien noodles including yellow noodles and Khún Mī. The both are basically the same, the only difference being Khún Mī is oil-free and has a pleasing visual. Khún Mī is toilsome to make, requiring delicate handiwork and involves more manpower. Firstly, cut out noodle strips two feet in length, then hang onto a rattan hoop and spread out gently. During the blanching process, it is important to note the temperature, as overcooking may cause breakage. The cooked noodles are submerged in cold water for al dente consistency, then one person sorts them into clusters of 4-5 strips, and another coil them up on a bamboo sieve.

With almost 40 years experience in manufacturing noodles, Uncle Lim Sze Hock, nicknamed “Noodle-seller Hock”, is the third generation successor of this family-run workshop. His grandfather set up the workshop and engaged chefs from EngChoon, China to teach the skills. Uncle Lim’s mother, octogenarian Madam Khoo Yeoh, has been involved in making noodles since she married into the family at 23 years old. Before there was pipe water supply, she had to draw water from a nearby well. During their childhood, Uncle Lim and his siblings used to sell noodles after school. He had a job in Kuala Lumpur before returning to take over the workshop in the event of his father’s sudden death.

The procedures of noodle manufacturing are not too complicated, compared to the earlier days when kneading is done by hand, the mixture rolled by a wooden pole, and the noodles shredded using knives. Now there is a semi-automatic production line, a diesel stove replaced the woodfire stove for blanching. Even so, the job is deemed less profitable, Madam Khoo discouraged her grandchildren to inherit. In the past there were four such workshops in Kuala Pilah, however they all closed down due to lack of heir. Luckily when Uncle Lim decided to retire, his youngest brother Lim Sze Hian would like to carry on the family business, Khún Mī is still available locally.

Traditional heritage food depends on geographical area and lifestyle practices. Due to globalization and the increasing pace of life, traditional food culture is phasing out. There might still be Khún Mī in Klang, Melaka, or Penang with a majority Hokkien population, however not many people understood its implication.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Michael Lerk
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Ukulele In Town


Paper Offerings in Kampung Baru Jelapang

Situated 5km northwest of Ipoh, Kampung Baru Jelapang is a serene rural village of about 2000 households, the majority being Chinese of Hakka and Cantonese descent, leading simple and contented lives. Despite having settled overseas for more than a century, they still practise ancient cultural customs, including traditional paper offerings at funerals.

On Jalan Pasar which cuts across Kampung Baru Jelapang, stands a row of rustic wooden shops with over 60 years of history, the sole paper offerings store selling handmade white lanterns for funerals nestled within. Although no signboard hangs above the mottled plank doors, it is familiar to all village folks as the “papercraft man” is a household name.

Currently handled by the octogenarian “papercraft lady” Kwan Lean Tay, for decades the shop opens from 6A.M. until noon. The shop has a range of offering items, joss paper and candles supplied by traders, while paper offerings such as deity statues, clothing, and horses, are handmade by her husband Mr Lee Look Sang and her second son Lee Wan Wah.

Madam Kwan devoted the better part of her life to her family and the shop. At 18 years old, she married Mr Lee who used to work at a paper offering shop in Paloh (Ipoh’s former name). They then started their own venture, struggling to make ends meet as the village was under curfew. Facing difficulty in securing premises, they finally managed to purchase the current site. Ever since, husband and wife work together in selling paper offerings, fulfilling filial duty to their parents, and bringing up four children. After her husband’s death last year, Madam Kwan remained in the shop alone, sustaining the small business with help from her son.

Mr Lee Look Sang, nicknamed the “papercraft man”, was renowned for his proficiency in producing fine paper offering items such as clothing, horses, and bicycles. He was also a fortune-teller who could decipher the Chinese Almanac to pick auspicious dates, as well as decipher the Book of Three Lifetimes to help customers pray that things go well. Singaporean customers would purposely telephone overseas to consult Mr Lee. The easygoing Mr Lee did not charge customers a specific fee, a red packet of any amount would do instead. Madam Kwan always gave discounts to regular customers, as she did not engage any worker, and cherish close relationships. Therefore local villagers who moved elsewhere always return to make purchases at this rustic hut.

The second generation heir, nicknamed the “papercraft lad”, Lee Wan Wah mastered his father’s skills, and could single-handedly produce a dozen types of paper offerings including houses, golden and silver bridges, golden and silver hills, boys and girls, coin trees, lazy chairs, and cars. During his childhood, his mother often brought him along to the shop. Stirred by curiosity, he started helping his father to make paper offerings when he was 16 years old. He then took his father’s advice to pick up another skill, thus becoming apprenticed to a tailor in Paloh. Upon completing his apprenticeship, he returned to work in Kampung Baru Jelapang while also helping his father to produce paper offerings. As Uncle Lee realised that the tailor industry is declining, he thought of a brilliant idea: to make life-sized paper clothing. He surveyed departmental stores for designs. “Actual Faking” was popular for a time, even Singaporean traders discovered its market potential.

Due to advancing age, currently Uncle Lee only accepts orders for small scale common funeral offerings, instead of the wide variety produced by his counterparts. His workshop is set up beside his house, starting from the basic procedure of making the frame, shredding attap into appropriate thickness and bend according to size and height, finishing by pasting paper. Uncle Lee also finds pleasure in his work. Due to his passion for calligraphy, he did not progress to computerized printing, but sticking to the tradition. Each lantern he made bears his tidy calligraphy. Some of his paper offerings are on display at his mother’s old shop, others are kept in the workshop or delivered to customers.

As lifestyles change, people are less superstitious, younger generations no longer worship deities at home. Yet Uncle Lee is confident that paper offerings would not be wiped out since the religious goods business is still thriving. However offerings are gradually simplified, customers generally ask traders for set packs, or buy substandard set packs online from China. Handiwork that used to be a livelihood has been commercialized into a different business model. Youth nowadays being uninterested in this industry, none of Uncle Lee’s children are willing to inherit, the skills of making paper offerings may be lost after having sustained two generations.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Drone : Daniel Lim
Video Editor : Evon Pang
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Is A Solo Piano