Painter – Mr Yap Hong Ngee

Mr Yap Hong Ngee, renowned Malaysian Chinese ink painter, artiste, flower arrangement master. He started to learn painting at 16 years old, and has over 50 years’ experience in the field of painting and creative works. He held more than 60 exhibitions in various countries and places including Malaysia, Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei etc. His speciality is the usage of sparrows in his paintings, of which he is acclaimed.

In his creative works, Mr Yap combines traditional pen and ink elements together with modern improvisation. He breaks through the limitations on shapes and colours of traditional themes, adding in personal life experience and feeling to construct a new form. Meanwhile, he also practises from two-dimensional art towards actual objects, especially essentials in life, enriching his own ideas on creating and expression in artworks.

Mr Yap also advocates personal expression and multi-interpretation in artworks. Creative works should not remain stagnant, but need constant change by incorporating personal ideas, attitudes, and perception of society.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Music : Mei Li from Felt Music


Artiste – Mr Sum Kwai Fong

Mr Sum Kwai Fong, a 1966 graduate of Chung Hua High School Port Dickson, was the first batch to graduate from the school. At present, he holds the position as president of the Malaysia Artistes Association, and is currently working in the fields of Art Education and Art Therapy. Mr Sum implies that Art in drawing takes not only the form of a picture, and also not an objective copy of scenes in life, but an assimilation of the artist’s understanding towards life, attitude towards society and their own mindsets, as well as a representation of their characteristics.

Mr Sum also respects that neither lowliness nor nobleness apply in Art aesthetics. Each person has their own different inclination, therefore personal preferences should not be employed as academic criticism, otherwise examination of theoretical value would be lost. The only way to nurture art attainment, pursue and achieve self-worth, is through self-recognition.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Evon Pang
Music : Somewhere Somehow from Felt Music


Calligrapher – Mr Loke Keng Wah

Renowned Malaysian calligrapher, Mr Loke Keng Wah, also known as Loke Lei, was born in 1929. He graduated from National Taiwan Normal University, and has been the principal of Chung Hwa High School Port Dickson for over twenty years. Mr Loke specialized in the groundwork of Chinese ink painting, calligraphy, and classic literature. Especially his artwork in 1962, an ink painting entitled “Force”, a combination of Chinese and Western styles on a horizontal banner, represented Malaysia and was selected to participate in the Federation of British Artist Exhibition, thus earning international fame. He currently holds the position as advisor of the Negeri Sembilan Art Society. Besides, he is also a member of the Malaysian Chinese Culture Society, the Malaysian Calligraphy Society, as well as the Malaysian International Modern Calligraphy and Painting Association.

Mr Loke always proactively promotes the development of arts and culture, often donating his artworks for charity purposes, as well as doing his best for the Chinese society in Malaysia. Besides being a Good Samaritan, he also hopes that more people would approach and appreciate arts. Even though he is 90 years old, Mr Loke still maintains a strong physique thanks to calligraphy. Writing calligraphy requires the utmost focus and attention, concentrating all thoughts on each stroke, in order for one to achieve serenity and tranquillity. A healthy practice, calligraphy therapy is.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Music : Piao Lang from Felt Music