Malaysian Ngo Chor Fitness & Sports Society

Performing powerful martial arts moves while emanating forceful shouts, disciples and committee members of the Malaysian Ngo Chor Fitness and Sports Society (Jenjarom Branch) gather on the training ground despite a blazing sun, practicing Ngo Chor drills under the guidance of Master Yap Loo Peng (transliteration). 81-year-old master Yap goes around at a steady pace, fixing his sharp eyesight on disciples, instructing and correcting their postures. Over the past 40-odd years, master Yap has been travelling between his home in Jinjang and the academy in Jenjarom to teach Ngo Chor martial arts. Even though semi-retired due to his advancing age, with older disciples in charge of the academy’s daily routine, master Yap often drops by to maintain his efforts in promoting this cultural sports activity. 

Founded in the late Qing dynasty, Ngo Chor martial arts originated from Quanzhou in Hokkien, China. The initiator being master Chua Giok Beng, who created a system after decades of research, by merging principles and techniques from five martial art styles, namely Taizu, White Crane, Bodhidharma, Arhat, and Monkey. Ngo Chor is renowned in southern China for its precision, forcefulness, and practical characteristics, therefore master Chua acquired numerous disciples. As there were some disciples among swarms of southern Chinese who migrated to Malaya, they continued the tradition of Ngo Chor upon settling down.

In Jenjarom where most villagers are of Hokkien ancestry, there was no martial arts academy during its early days. Master Yap’s instructor, the late grandmaster Poh Tie (transliteration), rented a vacant space to teach Ngo Chor, founding an academy together with a bunch of seniors. However various problems such as disciples being busy with their work and the implementation of a curfew caused the classes to be held sporadically. Following master Poh’s death some years later, senior Lim Teng Kiat (transliteration) took over as instructor, both disciples and martial art skills spread rapidly. Eventually as senior Lim was preoccupied with his work, master Yap was sought out to lead in the systematic practice on Aik Kuan kindergarten premises. ‘Poh Tie Ngo Chor Martial Arts Lion Dance Club’ was officially formed in 1977. Parents sent their children to learn Ngo Chor, participate in lion dance, and ride unicycles. Back when entertainment was scarce, it was the best gathering place, even compatriots from other races joined in the expanding martial arts club.

Immense support from local villagers, and the efforts of club members, the authorities approved of the martial arts club in 1982, hence renamed to Jenjarom branch of the Malaysian Ngo Chor Fitness & Sports Society. Apart from Ngo Chor, there are also lion dance, stilts, and unicycling derived from martial art basics. These are fun to learn, and able to perform during events. The society is recognised and gained support from local villagers who donated generously to build an academy. The Ngo Chor academy building, which stood amid Jenjarom village, was inaugurated in 2006. A small temple was built in honor of the three antecessors, namely Bodhidharma, the initiator Chua Giok Beng, and grand master Poh Tie. 

Ngo Chor is suitable for learners across all ages and genders, enhancing physical fitness and willpower, as well as achieving unity in a community. Despite training hard, disciples love and respect each other like a family. Senior disciples also carry on this legacy by helping master Yap to teach, such as the current team manager Soon Chin Tat (transliteration). He has been practicing Ngo Chor for 38 years, progressing from a young novice to being a senior who coordinates performances and takes care of team members. In recent years, due to young adults moving to the city for better opportunities, there is an age gap among disciples who are school children and middle-aged adults, their numbers dwindling from hundreds to merely 35. 

Inscribed on the pillars of the academy is the saying: “Training for self-defense and fitness, great skills inherited from ShàoLín”, highlighting the main purpose of practicing martial arts, not for fighting with others. A century-long inheritance, not only does Ngo Chor represent Chinese culture, it also incorporates lion dance to become a folk culture, a healthy sports activity.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Drone : Daniel Lim
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Dawn of Man & Frozen In Love


Classic Bar

Walking downstream of the Melaka River, passing by Jambatan Kampung Jawa with 130 years of history linking Jalan Kampung Pantai and Kampung Jawa, a wooden bridge rebuilt with metal by Chinese businessmen Tan Oon Guan and his two brothers in the late 19th century, who also restructured Kampung Jawa into a “New Street” with well-planned brick houses and developed lanes. Ever since, business activities on both shores got along closely, during daytime the “New Street” is a bustling trade zone, whereas turning into a pleasure-seeking and extravagant entertainment spot upon night-time, an area combining both work and amusement.

A century since, the flourishing “New Street” is long gone, its lanes (Jalan Jawa and Kampung Jawa) receded into serenity, leaving behind double-storey shophouses built in a fusion of Asian and Western styles which was popular back then, housing several traditional shops with over 100 years in existence, taking a sneak peek at former local cultural scenes. Among them, Sin Hiap Hin, a bar established in the 1920’s, maintaining its original British-influenced appearance, the solid wooden bar countertop with a rounded arc is still in use to date.

Pushing apart the red iron shutters, a variety of liquor bottles are arranged on layers of wall racks, the wooden bar countertop is full of marks where liquor glasses were set down over the hundred years. The antique furnishing and interior is never renovated, in the bar sits Aunty Lee Lian Suan, also known as Doris, wife of the 4th generation successor of Sin Hiap Hin. She pours out the customer’s choice of liquor with a smiling face, be it traditional Chinese herbal liquor such as Notoginseng liquor, Acanthopanax bark liquor, Perfect Tonic; beers popular with Caucasians, novelty rice wines, or rose liqueur. The most special type of liquor served being rice wine manufactured in Malacca by Tay Miang Guan Priquor Distillery established in 1908, with a range of innovative flavours such as pandan, lychee, coffee etc.

Sin Hiap Hin holds a liquor retail license granted by the British colonial government, legally selling liquor by the British colonial measurement unit peg, where half peg is equivalent to 30ml and one peg 60ml. Pure liquor is being sold, not mixed with other alcohol, water or soda, only a few ice cubes may be added. In the olden days, this type of bars were popular with fishermen and labourers making a living near Malacca River due to low prices. These customers often got drunk, wreaking havoc and owing credit which they never repaid. Moreover, the upper storey of the shophouse was an opium den where people used to gather to smoke. Sin Hiap Hin survived tenaciously throughout the years despite the turbulent environment, having experienced the British colonisation, the Japanese Occupation, the Federation of Malaya, to finally independence and the forming of Malaysia, still operating in its original site.

Since Aunty Doris married into the family in 1973, besides doing household chores, she also helps her husband and father-in-law to manage the bar. A few years after her father-in-law passed away, her husband’s legs became incapacitated, therefore she has to shoulder all responsibilities on her own. Turning 69 years old, Aunty Doris is probably the oldest bartender. Although selling an array of liquors, she barely drinks, merely looking upon as others enjoy. With a liquor bottle in one hand and steel measurement cup in the other, Aunty Doris pours either amber-coloured or clear liquor into glasses while chatting brightly with customers, making them feel at ease.

Over the forty-odd years, Aunty Doris handles her husband’s family business while taking care of her ill spouse, enduring various hardships to raise four children, as well as purchasing the shophouse they once rented. Eventually elderly regular customers passed away, changes in lifestyle and spending habits caused business to drop. Fortunately in recent years, the bar gained popularity and internet exposure, introducing slight improvements. Aunty Doris witnessed the flourish and decline of “New Street”, former neighbouring hardware shops, gold shops, wooden clog shops, vegetable shops, and barber shops are mostly closed for good. As her children grew up and moved out, the business that she once relied on now helps her to kill time.

In the century-old bar, each cup of liquor sold contains precious memories, accumulated into the ups and downs of a city. Be it tourists with a fleeting visit or regular customers with frequent visits, Aunty Doris does not hesitate in sharing life stories in the historical city.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Michael Lerk
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Oakwoord Station – Kind of a Miracle from YouTube


Yong Heng Charcoal Shop

Charcoal is the first among seven daily necessities, the rest being rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea. Since ancient times, charcoal has been important as fuel in daily life. Cooking food using traditional charcoal-fueled stoves is tricky and laborious, requiring constant attention to the heat and doneness of the food. As the dishes are heated evenly, charcoal fumes lent a special aroma to the food. Besides, charcoal has absorbability properties, therefore water boiled with charcoal is velvety and odorless. Once a must-have in every single household, with the advent of gas and electrical appliances, charcoal has now fallen out of favour, charcoal stores are barely seen nowadays.

On Jalan Trus in Johor Bahru, among the row of shophouses opposite the ancient temple, the large signboard of Yong Heng Charcoal Shop could be seen clearly, the sole remaining charcoal shop in the region. The daughters of the late founder, octogenarian Madam Chong Shen Chen (transliteration) and sexagenarian Madam Chong Lian Chen (transliteration) persisted to work, currently helping their nephew, who is the third generation owner to run this seven-decade old family business.

When Chinese forefathers migrated to Malaysia, they sustained this ancient wisdom of utilising natural resources, for instance mangrove wood, to produce fuel thus solving the most crucial daily needs. In earlier days, street peddlers sold charcoal door-to-door on bicycles or tricycles, some merchants also distributed charcoal from local kilns so that customers may purchase in-store. Upon stepping into the corridor of Yong Heng Charcoal Shop, the mottled wooden plaque hanging on top of the entrance brings you back in time.

Towards the end of the 1940’s, when this plaque was newly hung, charcoal was the mainstream fuel used in cooking. Except for the table in front, the entire shop was filled with bundles of charcoal, the floor and walls stained with charcoal dust. Before plastic packaging became popular, charcoal is delivered in loose piles on lorries from the kiln, requiring scooping manually to transfer the stock into the shop. The charcoal is then sorted according to sizes and tied tightly into paper-wrapped bundles to prevent humidity absorption. Working ceaselessly, the family’s clothes and fingers are smothered in black dust.

Hanging on the wall at the rear of the shop are uniquely-shaped charcoal, a collection by the two Chong sisters, full of fond childhood memories where they work happily together as a family. Since a young age, they have been helping their father in packaging charcoal, therefore whenever they came across charcoal pieces with special shapes, they would keep these natural artwork. At present, charcoal stock comes with complete plastic packaging, without any need to sort, just unload and arrange. As gas stoves and electrical appliances gained popularity due to being more convenient, demand for charcoal declined steeply, only hawkers and customers who persist in using charcoal will make regular purchases. During festival celebrations, sales increase due to preparing customary cuisine. Their usual pastime is looking after the shop as well as chatting with customers and old neighbours, leading a simple and joyful life.

A daily necessity, a traditional industry, a specialty store. Improvement in living conditions meant elimination of certain elements, the kitchen evolved from a dusty environment into a clean and convenient place. There is still demand for charcoal despite its being outdated.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Invisible Beauty


Sin Keng Wah Mattress Shop

Cities developed around waterways, people settled along canals. Sungai Segget, the “Mother River” of Johor Bahru, has been an important marine transportation connection since the city’s cultivation in 1855, the basis of the city’s economic growth. In the earlier days, Chinese forefathers who migrated to Johor Bahru settled along the shores of the 4-kilometre long Sungai Segget which naturally split the city into East and West shores. Spurred by famous entrepreneur Mr Wong Ah Fook, the East shore is full of commercial buildings where consumer and entertainment services prevailed, while the West shore is pioneered by the most powerful Kangchu in Peninsular Malaysia Mr Tan Hiok Nee, its longest avenue Jalan Trus is where the local Chinese community mainly convene.

Johor Bahru underwent drastic changes over the past century. Under the Sungai Segget Rejuvenation Project carried out by the city council, merely 300 metres of the river course remain. An ancient temple and most double-storey shophouses were retained on Jalan Trus, however as Chinese guild halls and enterprises gradually moved out, the area transformed into “Little India” with Indian clothing shops, gold shops, and a few old stores which stood for decades, such as Sin Keng Wah Mattress Shop.

Established in 1964, Sin Keng Wah is known for handmade pure cotton pillows, bolsters, baby cots, and other bedding items, as well as customization services. Formerly, the shop was operated by a Singaporean, whom the father of the current proprietor Mr Yeow used to work for. During the economic malaise leading to Singapore’s separation from Malaysia, he decided to sell out, thus Mr Yeow’s father and elder brother bought over and renamed it to Keng Wah. Now the second generation owner, Mr Yeow Sien Soon prefixed a “New” to the shop name since his succession. All the while, they rented the same shoplot from an old landlord who knows them thoroughly, maintaining a fond relationship as he lives upstairs. The ancient plaque bearing “Eng Seng” which hung on the upper left corner of the shop entrance was the signboard of a grocery store the landlord used to operate.

Founded over half a century, Sin Keng Wah earned a good reputation for quality bedding that are fluffy, well ventilated, has thermoregulation effects, as well as absorbs moisture. Mr Yeow uses natural kapok cotton imported from Thailand, without mixing any impurities. Lately there has been a raised awareness of health benefits using pure cotton bedding, especially people with backaches or night sweats, and even newborn babies. Thus they accumulated regular customers including the Johor royal sultanate. By chance, Mr Yeow accepted plenty of customized orders from the royal family, and often visits the palace to measure the respective furnitures, as well as seeking audience with the Johor sultan. He said in jest that despite facing pressure from the stern guards and His Majesty’s grandeur, he is touched by the sultan’s friendly attitude, greeting him with “Ah Pek” in a sonorous voice.

In this era of mechanization, traditional handmade items are getting increasingly rare. Mr Yeow persisted to manually sew bedding, ensuring that kapok fibres are distributed evenly without bulky bits, so that users could fall asleep comfortably. Moreover, the ability to customize different shapes and angles could not be replaced by machinery. The skills involved in manufacturing bedding could not be mastered within a short timeframe. From picking cotton, pinning threads into place, cutting fabric, measuring inlet, to using a sewing machine, the procedures are very challenging. The flexibility of the fabric needs to be taken into account in order to ensure the finished product meets the correct size. Besides, delicate kapok fluff may cause respiratory irritation. To avoid absorbing moisture during storage, kapok is kept in a stifling storeroom. Poor work conditions increased difficulty to hire employees.

63-year-old Mr Yeow inherited the family business for 46 years, recollecting how other two fellow tradesmen in Johor Bahru closed down due to no successors, he is glad that his eldest son Boon Teck takes over this traditional mattress shop. From being an uninterested layman to getting guidance from his strict father, and taking the initiative to explore this trade, Boon Teck is able to work independently after about ten years. Since graduating in 2000, he gave up his ambition of being a painter to stay and help his father in the family business. Moving on, he recognises the cultural value of this trade and sparked interest in designing new products, as well as utilising social media to expand customer base.

The Yeow family passes on the skills of crafting bedding from father to son, the dented sides of the century-old workbench in Sin Keng Wah is where three generations of tradesmen sharpened needles, witnessing that mastery is achieved from experience. The bedding is not only stuffed with pure kapok, but also cultural heritage and warm feelings.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Video Editor : Michael Lerk
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Tido Kang from YouTube


New Kwong Weng Watch Shop

Opposite the mini stadium in Renggam, Johor, there is a row of antique single-storey wooden shops, New Kwong Weng watch shop inconspicuously situated among them for almost nine decades. As its light blue metal shutters slowly open, various grandfather clocks, mantel clocks, and wall clocks come into sight, the regular rhythm of ticking clocks bringing peace to the mind. This historic watch shop is the only place for traditional watch and clock repairs in Renggam, the 2nd generation successor master Chong Lin Kiam is hailed as “Clock and watch doctor” who rescues timepieces. Countless clocks and watches came back to life under his able hands, and there often are clients from Kuala Lumpur or even Singapore who send their collection of luxury watches for repair.

About 40 years ago, master Chong succeeded the shop established by his father in 1932, adding a “New” to the original shop name “Kwong Weng”. The senior Mr Chong used to be a farmer in China who lost his hard-earned savings during a locust disaster in the 1920’s, therefore he moved overseas to make a living in Johor Bahru. He learned the trade of repairing clocks and watches from his fellow hometowner who conducted him to Malaya, and moved to the rapidly developing Renggam by coincidence, setting up his own shop on the busy main street, in a row of the earliest buildings in Renggam town. The narrow space behind the shop which used to be a storeroom was turned into lodgings after being rented by the senior Mr Chong, who brought up several children with this mere trade.

In the earlier days, numerous estate managers and foreign business owners gathered at Renggam, having great demand for clocks and watches repair services, back then there were 2-3 watch shops in town including Kwong Weng. Despite the Japanese occupation of Malaya, the business of watch shops was not affected. The Japanese soldiers were honest and paid up promptly when they sent their watches for repair, only threatening the watch repairers with their weapons upon receiving poor service. Having cautiously operating for over two decades, the senior Mr Chong finally received a trade license from the British colonial government in 1955, as well as another zinc license plate from the Malaysia government in 1975, both well-maintained to date, as master Chong hung them in the shop in honour of his father’s hard work and toil in entrepreneuring.

Master Chong has been helping his father in the shop since teenage, gradually fathoming the mechanical principles of clocks and watches, subsequently inspiring an enthusiasm in repairing them. According to master Chong, beginners should start learning to repair alarm clocks which have larger parts, only switching to repairing watches after grasping the basics and becoming adept. Various tools available in the shop are heirlooms from his father, whereas the array of old spare parts were procured from outstation associates, as some of the watch shops conformed to the changing times to sell electronic watches therefore selling off obsolete mechanical parts. Even though electronic watches are trending, the unique charm of mechanical watches expand their value for collection, watch repairers who are savvy in mechanical principles and have exquisite craftsmanship are particularly sought after. Master Chong’s son also became a watch repairer under his influence, and is now working in the repair department of a luxury watch shop at Kuala Lumpur.

The process of disassembling, cleaning, repairing, and reassembling a luxury watch puts patience to test as well as time-consuming. Fortunately master Chong who has over 50 years of experience in watch repairing still has sharp eyesight and agile hands even though he is nearly 70 years old. Sitting in front of his workbench wearing a loupe, he steadily grips the tweezers, carefully arranging the petite parts on a small white tray, closely inspecting every single detail, striving to find out the exact problem to restore the watch’s functionality and accuracy. Among the luxury watches master Chong often repair are Rolex, Panerai, Omega, Longines etc. Their structures are complex and delicate, the original mechanisms might be accidentally fragmented. Therefore he often purchased European watch magazines to study their technical innovations as well as polish his own skills.

Helmed by two generations, its craftsmanship passing down to the third, New Kwong Weng watch shop stood witness to the changes in watchmaking technology over the years. Quality is upheld by dedication in reviving the heartbeat of mechanical clocks and watches. Watch repair skill is a timeless legacy, allowing mechanical devices to continue measuring time step by step.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Drone : Daniel Lim
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Just Stay


The Story of Renggam

Upon stepping into Renggam, Johor, a river flows right across the middle of the town, cool breezes sweep over lush greenery on both sides of the riverbank, imparting vitality to the quiet town. Vehicles occasionally whiz pass the clean and spacious roads, residents leading a casual and relaxed pace of life. Rows of shophouses built in the 1930’s stand neatly on the properly planned streets, retaining their original appearance despite being weather-beaten, depicting the rich cultural history of the town.

Surrounded by estates, Renggam seems to be an inconspicuous small town, its former glory barely imaginable. Since development in 1879, Renggam became the British colonial government’s administration centre within Kluang, well-equipped with facilities such as fire station, police station, and courts way before other suburbs. When the west coast railway line operated by the Federated Malay States Railways was fully opened in 1913, one of the stations was situated in Renggam.

Legend has it that the name Renggam came from the Malay word “renggang”, meaning break apart, due to a mountain in Johor being blown apart by the colossal Indonesian Krakatau volcano eruptions. Under the Kangchu system, pioneers migrated from Hainan, China to cultivate gambir and coffee in Renggam. At the beginning of the 20th century, rapid industrial development induced an upsurge in global demand for rubber. Due to Malaya’s natural advantages in rubber cultivation, the British colonial government encouraged British capitalists to grow the rubber production industry, Chinese estate smallholders also acknowledged the trend and converted to rubber planting. As Renggam prospered, Chinese forefathers established community groups such as hometown guild halls and trade associations for mutual assistance. To date, there are at least five active guild halls in Renggam, organizing activities from time to time to promote interaction between members and local residents.

On an elevated land near Renggam township, a leisure club built entirely of solid wood remained in existence. Back then, this was where British expatriates came to party on weekends. Local villagers relished an anecdote where the British Queen once visited this club during a trip to Renggam. As British expatriates left after Malaya gained independence, a Chinese smallholder bought the club and opened it up for the public. At present, the club’s interior is well-maintained, however its adjacent tennis court ceased to exist. Residents gather here during their free time to play mahjong or billiards, getting along in harmony regardless of race.

Both Chinese pioneers and British expatriates each brought their religion into Renggam. The goddess Mazu is worshipped at the magnificent century-old Tian Hou Gong temple. Situated one kilometre away at the pinnacle of Renggam, is Our Lady of Fatima chapel built by the British, immaculately overlooking the small town for six decades. The chapel hosts two annual celebrations, which is Feast Day in mid-May and Christmas in December. Although these two religions emerged separately, they share the core belief of mutual care. This is probably where the honest and simple lifestyle of Renggam folks originated.

Chinese forefathers who settled down in Renggam were concerned about the education of future generations, hence schooling became a necessity. SJK (C) Chin Chiang in Renggam has been established for nearly a century, with as many as 800 students at its prime between the 1960’s to 70’s. However as global rubber prices dropped steeply after the 70’s, several estate owners replanted palm trees, and younger generations moved to the city in search of jobs, leaving mostly old folks behind. Facing the dilemma of declining student numbers, SJK (C) Chin Chiang officially became a micro primary school since last year, with less than 60 current students.

Having experienced a giant wave of development, the pace of life in Renggam subdued along with the lull of the rubber industry, becoming a quaint little town free from bustle. Deviated from expansions such as tertiary education, industrial parks, and highways, life in Renggam is pleasant and carefree.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Drone : Daniel Lim
Video Editor : Michael Lerk
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Dyathon – Memories from YouTube


Attap Roof Weaving

Originating from Kuala Kubu Bharu dam, the 110-kilometres-long and winding Selangor River flows through Kuala Selangor into the sea. Under the blazing sun, on the riverpath along Kampung Kuantan in Kuala Selangor, Uncle Jamaluddin bin Zakaria could be seen paddling a small sampan against the tides, slowly approaching the stifling mangrove forests, starting his day’s gathering job.

Two types of palm tree leaves are usually gathered by Uncle Jamal: Daun Nipah and Daun Sagu/Rumbia. Nipah leaves, also known as Attap leaves, are gathered from Nipah trees which grow in humid swamps, measuring 2-3 inches in width and a few feet in length. Also from the palm family, Sagu trees grow on the shores, with tall tree trunks and narrower but thicker leaves. These two types of leaves are local roofing materials gathered by Malay forefathers. Having good air permeability as well as dispelling heat, attap roofs are suitable for the equatorial climate, commonly used within Malaysian communities.

Upon arriving at his destination, Uncle Jamal ties his boat onto the wooden stump, taking out his parang knife for mandatory sharpening. Having been induced by his parents to this traditional trade since a tender age, Uncle Jamal has decades of experience in gathering, obvious from his adept actions in cutting down sheaths of leaves. Firstly, he stands two pieces of stem vertically to mark the collection point (Celung in Malay). Then, he separates the leaves piece by piece from both sides of the sheath. As the leaves pile up, he peels a fine strand of fibre from the sheath to make a natural rope, to tie up the heap. These skills are mastered and inherited by Uncle Jamal’s family for several generations, demonstrating ancient wisdom in utilizing natural resources.

Uncle Jamal then carries the pile of leaves to unload onto his sampan, and makes his way back with the receding river tides. On the other hand, 65-year-old Aunty Zainab binti Daud sits underneath the tree shades in front of her house, surrounded by Attap leaves and ropes, her nimble finger movements showcasing decades of weaving skills. Aunty Nab arranges and folds Attap leaves neatly onto a thin and long bamboo stick with her left hand, while threading a rope through the two layers of leaves with her right hand. Moments later, a piece of shelterable Attap roof is born under her deft hands.

Since childhood, Aunty Nab followed in her parents’ footsteps, being in charge of both gathering and weaving Attap leaves during her youth, hence she is proficient in the whole process of this traditional folk skill. In the olden days, forefathers ripped Bemban trees sheaths into fine strands to be used as ropes in weaving Attap roofs. As more forest grounds were developed, at present Bemban trees are almost extinct, being replaced by bamboo ropes or plastic ropes. Now that Aunty Nab is getting old in retirement, she still weaves Attap roofs in her free time as a side income. The majority of her life is interwoven with Attap leaves into a brilliant tapestry.

Similar to a giant-sized comb, the woven Attap roof requires one to two weeks of sun-drying. Neatly layered onto the roof beam, a canopy combining both natural and artistic elements is built. Although Attap roofs are durable and appealing, they require regular maintenance, as well as major replacement every few years. Therefore, sturdy and practical materials such as zinc and tiles gradually replaced Attap roofs. However, the lack of air permeability led to a stuffy interior. In this light, Attap roofs still have their unique attractivity, being constantly in demand. Recently trending homestays and themed restaurants employ Attap roof designs to create a sense of rural nostalgia, enabling tourists and customers to experience rustic culture, as well as embrace Mother Nature. Attap roofs are once again in the limelight.

Attap and Sago leaves used to be commonly found in the forests, alas they are increasingly hard to find in recent years, Uncle Jamal needs to travel far away to collect sufficient leaves to cater for orders placed. The development of forest grounds directly impacted the natural growth of plants, and he is forced to enter even more secluded areas to gather. Back to the shores of Kampung Kuantan, there still are 3 to 4 Aunties skilled in weaving Attap roofs who are all over 60 years old, yet persist in weaving 50 to 60 pieces of Attap roofs daily. Perhaps some years later, this centuries-old skill will fade away.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Drone : Daniel Lim
Video Editor : Amelia Lim
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Dreamland


Nipah Encephalitis Investigating Team : Professor Dato’ Dr Tan Chong Tin

20 years ago, a virus outbreak destroyed the hard work of several generations in Bukit Pelanduk, reaping the lives of over 100 swine farmers and their families within three short months. The government then declared curfews and evacuated villagers from the stricken region, taking swift actions to contain the epidemic. Professor Dato’ Dr Tan Chong Tin led an investigating team from University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) to scrutinize and analyze the afflicted. Later on, the virus was proven to be a new type of mutating virus which mainly infects the lungs and brain of patients, previously misdiagnosed as Japanese Encephalitis (JE), therefore it was named Nipah Virus after the place where the first case originated.

In early 1999 during the rapid spread of Nipah virus, more than 100 patients from Bukit Pelanduk and Kampung Baru Sungai Nipah who seemed to suffer from acute encephalitis were hospitalized at UMMC. During clinical treatment, as a neurologist Dr Tan found out that the disease transmission was different from JE, hence he directed the medical team to perform an in-depth study. There is no overnight success in the research field, after 2-3 weeks of observation, the medical team finally shed some light on the new virus. Working under tremendous pressure, the medical team carried out various tests during the intense virus outbreak, attempting to find out effective treatment and prevention methods. Frontline medical personnel also had to bear the risks and fears of being in contact with patients, in the face of unprecedented and unknown virus, it was immensely stressful to be doing extensive first-hand research.

Newly discovered worldwide, there was no prior reference for Nipah virus. Its etiology, symptoms, transmission, hazards, and treatment were inconceivable. Under Dr Tan’s guidance, the UMMC investigating team made a ground-breaking revelation that the Nipah virus derived from livestock —— SARS coronavirus in bats. Due to cross-species mutation, the virus easily defeats the human body’s immune system, infections occur with rapid onset, finally spreading among humans.

The UMMC investigating team did a comprehensive study on Nipah virus, the results of their research benefited countries such as Bangladesh and India where Nipah virus outbreaks happened. As a tool to assist in diagnosis, they could then accurately administer medicine and take precautionary measures. This investigating team led by Dr Tan won the Mahathir Science Award in 2006, as well as the Merdeka Award for Health, Science, and Technology in 2008, accomplishing prestigious honours. Since the outbreak till having gained recognition, Dr Tan and team did not cease their efforts in research. Apart from returning to the village to check on villagers who recovered from the epidemic, they also contributed and joined in research in other afflicted countries.

A few months ago, Dr Tan and doctors from his medical team attended <Nipah Virus 20th Anniversary Review and Sharing Session with Experts> held last year, recounting past incidents and disclosing follow-up research to increase public awareness and understanding of the virus. In the same year, Dr Tan received the title of Emeritus Professor from University Malaya and the 6th Tan Kah Kee Award, also the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Malaysian Society of Neurosciences in 2017. Dr Tan’s contributions in medical and cultural fields are acknowledged, concurrently he is active in promoting the rich culture and history of the local Chinese community.

At present, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerates and spreads widely, with confirmed cases across all continents globally, severely affecting our daily lives and even the world’s economy. In today’s globalization and high population mobility, not only does it escalate the infection rate of the virus, it also largely increases the difficulty of prevention.

Only with enhanced personal alertness and hygiene practice, ruling out unverified news among the flood of information, ensuring accurate intelligence is obtained from official or authoritative channels. Besides, gain basic understanding of the virus to avoid believing in alarmist talk and eliminate unnecessary worries. Dr Tan also reminds that apart from getting treatment, attention and aid must be given to both physical and psychological health of the patients’ family members. Together we weather the storm through mutual support and encouragement.

【Official and Authoritative Information Channels】
Ministry of Health of Malaysia
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia

World Health Organization(WHO)

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Drone : Daniel Lim
Video Editor : Evon Pang
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Sean Beeson


Tian Fu Gong Temple in Kuala Selangor

Kuala Selangor, founding place of the Selangor Sultanate, used to be the British colonial government’s administration centre in the late 19th century, and a district officer (DO) was appointed to assist the Sultan in handling state affairs. The DO once got into a railway accident, luckily a black-faced person pulled him out of the train to escape unscathed. Afterwards, he passed by a small temple at the foot of Bukit Melawati and noticed that his saviour was the deity worshipped. As a token of appreciation towards this deity, after discussion with the temple committee, the DO personally granted a freehold land for the temple, exempt from taxes, announced via press statement on 19th March 1897. The temple committee then managed Tian Fu Gong’s construction, completed in 1898 at its current address.

The British colonial government brought in swarms of Chinese labourers from Hokkien to mine iron in Kuala Selangor, hence their beliefs spread. The three main deities worshipped in Tian Fu Gong are MāZǔ, Lord GuǎngZé, and Zhāng Gōng Shèng Jūn, tracing back to Hokkien folk beliefs. Zhāng Gōng Shèng Jūn, who is also known as ‘Huat Choo Gong’ or ‘Tua Hock Gong’, has a black face, messy hair, and holds a sword in protection. The ‘Tua Hock Gong’ statue in Tian Fu Gong was brought from Hokkien to Kuala Selangor by senior Mr Tee Bee Siew; whereas the sworn brothers of Zhāng Gōng Shèng Jūn, ‘Dji Hock Gong’ Siau Gong and ‘Sa Hock Gong’ Ang Gong, were worshipped at Batang Berjuntai and Sekinchan respectively. 

In the early 20th century, educational resources were scarce, the Tian Fu Gong committee organised classes at the vacant temple grounds, where local intellectuals taught nearby children Three Character Classics and the Analects of Confucius. As the number of students increased, the temple compound became inadequate. With tremendous support from the local neighbourhood, SJK (C) Aik Thee moved out of Tian Fu Gong into its current address, which lies 800 metres away, housing 300 pupils. Acclaimed Malaysian patriarch Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay used to study at SJK (C) Aik Thee during his childhood, his wife Puan Sri Tan Kai Yong once held a teaching post there too. Food stalls filled the freed up temple grounds, however along with a few rebuilds, in 2018 the grounds were renovated into a Chinese Zodiac Garden. 

The current temple committee president Uncle Tee Lai Thian’s family has intricate bonds with Tian Fu Gong, having held posts in the temple committee since his great-grandfather’s generation. Back in the 50’s, his father was president. After his father passed away in 1987, his uncle succeeded the position, until he took over in 2005. Tian Fu Gong organises three annual festivals, namely MāZǔ’s birthday in the third month of the lunar calendar, Huat Choo Gong’s birthday in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, as well as donations to the elderly and needy during Chinese New Year, initiated since the temple’s 100th anniversary celebration in 1990. Huat Choo Gong’s birthday is the grandest celebration, with 100 brilliantly coloured joss sticks standing in front of the temple, the stage outside the temple showing lively opera over 6 consecutive days, and the parade during the actual day attracting thousands of people. 

Besides celebrations, Tian Fu Gong also offers regular services for devotees, such as medium services on the 1st and 15th each lunar month. The current medium, Mr Ng Kit Siong, is 80 years old, fulfilling his duty at Tian Fu Gong for over 30 years. He is very kind and willing to help devotees during non-service days or even at night. Be it praying for safety, curing diseases, choosing auspicious date and time, or consecrating deity statues, Huat Choo Gong is responsive and effective, drawing devotees from near and far to visit. Nonagenarian Ong Sa Mui continually prays at Tian Fu Gong for over 50 years, even when her legs are weak and requiring aid from her son, she mutters sincere prayers while lighting incense. Being blessed by the deity, some devotees volunteer at the temple in return. Aunty Foo Kim Hiok volunteers regularly at the temples of Huat Choo Gong and his sworn brothers, riding the bus from Sekinchan to Kuala Selangor, notwithstanding the toil and exertion for over 20 years. 

Tian Fu Gong is famous in the coastal area, with the prominent Huat Choo Gong who saves people from harm. Before the 20th century, Kuala Selangor was the only commercial port in mid-Malaysia, popular with locals and overseas businessmen, Tian Fu Gong is located beside the busy street, witnessing prosperity together. To date, the prosperous street died down into two rows of shabby shophouses, whereas Tian Fu Gong still flourishes with an abundance of devotees.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Drone : Daniel Lim
Video Editor : Michael Lerk
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : Dyathon – Rose from YouTube


Cockles in Pasir Penambang

Cockles are indispensable in mouthwatering dishes like sour and spicy assam laksa, rich and redolent curry mee, as well as aromatic and delicious char kuey teow. Its tender flesh has the glowing scarlet of blood, tasty to eat whether simply being boiled or stir-fried in spicy sauce. However, cockle farming is an industry with high risk levels and dependent on ecological environment. Pasir Penambang, a century-old Chinese fishing village located at the western part of Selangor, was famous for cockle farming in the 1990’s, also renowned for its abundance of fresh seafood and marine products.

Pasir Penambang has natural advantages in soil characteristics, with muddy seabanks along the coast, brackish water which is a mixture of freshwater and seawater, as well as plentiful planktonic organisms for cockles to feed on, therefore an ideal breeding ground for juvenile cockles. In addition, diligent care by breeders helped ensure high survival rates as well as plumpness, the breeding scale and output is preceded only by “the capital of cockles” Kuala Sepetang in Perak. In contrast to Kuala Sepetang which mainly exports outstation and overseas, the cockles of Pasir Penambang only cater for local wet markets. 

Having started out as a fisherman since 9 years old, then turned to cockle farming in 1989, Mr Kok Chong Beng (transliteration) is an authority figure in blood cockle farming techniques around Pasir Penambang and even within West Malaysia. Ten years after his retirement, Mr Kok still talks excitedly about blood cockles while sharing his experience in managing breeding sites throughout the years. From juvenile to adult, it takes 14 to 18 months for cockles to mature, in the meantime periodical checks are performed on their growth status, as well as dispersing clustered cockles. 

The insightful Mr Kok acknowledged that in order to be profitable, the survival rates of cockles should be at a minimum of 30%. A fruitful harvest combining quantity and quality ensures impressive profitability. The pinnacle of Pasir Penambang cockle yield was 1995 with an annual supply of 40,000 tonnes, yet steeply declined to around 3,000 tonnes in 2015. Back in the glorious 90’s there were dozens of family-run cockle farms in Pasir Penambang, now only a handful remain.

In recent years, marine pollution such as plastic waste and chemical contamination caused severe harm to the survival of cockles, huge amounts of mud and debris from sea-based construction are washed into breeding sites causing cockles to die from suffocation. Climate changes also raise risks faced in cockle farming, for instance the tsunami which occurred towards the end of 2004 not only brought upon stormy waves but also seabed displacement and erosion, inducing mortality rates of cockles. Moreover, natural cockle spawn are getting increasingly difficult to come across, breeders are forced to import cockle spawn from neighbouring countries, resulting in mortality events due to inability to acclimatize hence unfortunate loss of capital.

As  rising breeding costs induced soaring market price of blood cockles, profiteering occurred through illegal fishing and smuggling, dealing yet another heavy blow to cockle breeders. Suffering from dwindling supplies and severe losses, several cockle breeders across Malaysia chose to switch career paths or close down. Mr Low Kock Seong who continued to strive despite facing various challenges, had to do everything on his own in order to reduce operation costs. Being 42 years old, he is already the youngest cockle breeder in Pasir Penambang.

Once illustrious, cockle farming in Pasir Penambang met with inescapable complications, how would cockle breeders cope with unpredictable possibilities and threats? Dubious whether they could or not prevail, as cockles become increasingly rare, the future of the cockle farming industry is like a candle flickering in the wind, glimmering with uncertainty.

Text: Daniel Lim & Pua Hui Wen

有你 UNI Production
Producer : Mok Yii Chek
Coordinator : Daniel Lim
Cinematographer : Amelia Lim / Evon Pang
Drone : Daniel Lim
Video Editor : Michael Lerk
Production Assistant : Michael Lerk
Music : For A Moment from YouTube